At this point I had a second realisation that slightly contradicts the first. When things go wrong in my life or I find myself in a position I'm not happy with, I always look for a scapegoat. Consistent intoxication is always an easy target. But if I were to really look deep within myself and ask what was really at the core of the problem, the answer would be quite different. Partying makes me unproductive... but only for the duration of the party, and of course the hangover. The straight fact is, sometimes I find myself in an undesirable place, and the reason I'm there is simply because I didn't make the right choices. These wrong turns could be anything from not taking risks, to drinking too much over a set period, or even the simple devil known as laziness. My need to find a point of blame results in an inability to recognise the real problem. The trap here is that these "points of blame" make me feel like I am actually addressing the problem. I puff out my chest, hold my head high, and announce my self realisations to the world convincing my friends and myself that I am making real change when I haven't even found out what really went wrong.
I am slowly beginning to learn that life is not waiting for me.
...deep dude...but life is all about findin urself n the purpose of life, and where u fit into it all...and well simply the law of attraction has got to be the most amazin thing i have ever come across...tryin to find blame is really the wrong place to start, because for me thats how i was...oh poor me, i hate the world, just let it swallow me hole...
ReplyDelete...n then one day i came across "the secret" some people consider it to be a bunch of mumbo jumbo...when infact whoever and where ever u r in life the law of attration is matter what religion you follow...because whatever u think and feel is in the process of manifestin...NO EXCEPTIONS... and how u feel is a vibration that u send out to the world...there is an equal n opposite reaction, so if u r negative that is what u r goin to get in return (negative people in ur life, more bills etc.)
...n so one day i came to the realization that i need to look at myself in the mirror...n i mean really look at urself...i thought i was a happy go lucky person, when infact i was a negative person...i was seein the worst in things and so then that was in the end what the outcome was, negative...
...and so i decided to try something new and think bout something possitve to happen, and u no what it did...n now im learnin to retrain my brain, because people r so happy n content with gettin dissapointed...n well they already no what the outcome will be...but it's because that is what they have attracted to them... yeah, thats my thoughts...